Industry News

How to better save 3G wireless video transmission costs

How to better save 3G wireless video transmission costs

When it comes to 3G wireless video servers, or front-end 3G remote monitoring devices, everyone will be more concerned about the 3G tariff in real-time transmission, which has always been a concern of customers. After all, this is related to the problem of money. The traffic that the video has been circulated will be a number of days, and the cost will be a huge amount. Give a simple example to illustrate:

For example, 3G transmission CIF is generally 100~300kbps, taking 300kbps as an example. It consumes 300kbps*3600/8/1024=131.8359375MB/h in an hour, about 132 MB/h, and the general WCDMA tariff is 20 yuan in 1G traffic. , can pass 1 * 1024 / 132 = 7.76h (cost 20 yuan / 7.76h = 2.58 yuan per hour), about 8 hours. 20 yuan / 8 hours, then 24 hours a day will cost 60 yuan, 30 days a month will cost 30 * 60 = 1800 yuan. If D1 is transmitted, the traffic will be larger, and it will be more than 1M per second. The traffic of 1G will be exhausted in less than 3 hours.

In fact, in practice, there are a lot of skills, and our products have already done. The following ways to save 3G transmission costs are listed below for your reference:

1) Select timing transmission, flexibly set the transmission time period, transmit in important time period, and not transmit outside the time period;

2) When the transmission is not transmitted, the client chooses to stop the transmission. At this time, only a small amount of traffic is maintained at 3G online, which is used to maintain the heartbeat packet. When the video needs to be viewed, right-click on the device to start the transmission. This is a Very practical way to save money, easy and fast to operate.

3) Select the SMS trigger mode to control the video transmission by sending SMS to the front-end device through the mobile phone anytime and anywhere, and when is the transmission?

4) Select the alarm trigger mode, and control the video transmission by externally triggering the alarm. You can arbitrarily set the alarm to transmit video once.

5) Manual button trigger, want to pass the pass, want to stop and stop;

6) Full-time monitoring through local video storage. When the device is powered on, recording starts. When the video transmission is stopped, the recording is still in progress. Therefore, the video that is not transmitted can be viewed through the video file to achieve full-time monitoring.

7) For fixed-point monitoring of fixed equipment, etc., you can replace the CIF real-time video stream with low resolution by using high-definition capture or standard-definition D1 picture capture. By adjusting the time interval of timing capture, data traffic charges can be greatly reduced. And can improve the actual utility of monitoring. UTV wireless video server fully supports the dynamic switching of real-time video and timing capture mode.